Kaj lahko ukažemo Siri v iOS 6

Kaj lahko ukažemo Siri v iOS 6

David Praznik, 18. September 2012 v Šnelkurs z značkami ios, siri.

Še en dan nas loči do 19.9., ko bo brezplačno na voljo nova, že šesta različica sistema iOS, ki med drugim vsebuje tudi pametnejšo Siri, ki smo jo lani v tem članku že predstavili. Objavljamo razširjen seznam ukazov, ki jih Siri po novem pozna. Zaradi slabe podprtosti lokacijskih storitev v Sloveniji, vseh predstavljenih ukazov ne bo možno izvajati. Velja tudi za Siri v slovenskem jeziku, zato so vprašanja v angleščini. Opa, zaenkrat!

Vprašanja o kontaktih

  • What’s Marko’s address?
  • What is Ivo Bitenc’s phone number?
  • When is my wife’s birthday?
  • Show Tina’s home email address
  • What’s my brother’s work address?

Iskanje kontaktov

  • Show Janez Novak
  • Find people named Bor
  • Who is Janez Janša?

Ustvarjanje odnosov

  • My mom is Silvia Saint
  • Kekec is my brother
  • Call my brother at work

Zagon aplikacij

  • Open Photos
  • Play CG Dirt Devil

Dodajanje dogodkov

  • Set up a meeting at 9
  • Set up a meeting with Bojan at 9
  • Meet with Barbara at noon
  • Set up a meeting about hiring tomorrow at 9am
  • New appointment with Aria Giovanni Friday at 3
  • Schedule a planning meeting at 8:30 today in the boardroom

Spreminjanje dogodkov

  • Move my 3pm meeting to 4:30
  • Reschedule my appointment with Dr. Nina to next Monday at 9am
  • Add Barbara to my meeting with Bojan
  • Cancel the budget review meeting

Vprašanja o vnešenih dogodkih

  • What does the rest of my day look like?
  • What’s on my calendar for Friday?
  • When is my next appointment?
  • When am I meeting with Bojan?
  • Where is my next meeting?

Uporaba alarma

  • Wake me up tomorrow at 7am
  • Set an alarm for 6:30am
  • Wake me up in 8 hours
  • Change my 6:30 alarm to 6:45
  • Turn off my 6:30 alarm
  • Delete my 7:30 alarm


  • What time is it in London?
  • What is today’s date?
  • What’s the date this Saturday?

Časovnik (Clock > Timer)

  • Set the timer for ten minutes
  • Show the timer
  • Pause the timer
  • Resume
  • Reset the timer
  • Stop it

Pošiljanje e-pošte

  • Email Katerina about the trip
  • Email Eva about the change in plans
  • New email to my mother
  • Mail dad about the rent check
  • Email Dr. Nina and say I got the forms, thanks
  • Mail Janez and Anita about the party and say I had a great time

Preverjanje e-poštnih sporočil

  • Check email
  • Any new email from my dad today?
  • Show new mail about the lease
  • Show the email from Katerina yesterday

Odgovarjanje na e-pošto

  • Reply Dear Petra sorry about the late payment
  • Call him at work


  • FaceTime Nejc Dulmin (tega imena ne znam izgovorit, damn)
  • Make a FaceTime call to my dad


  • Post to Facebook i am going to ride my bike
  • Write on my wall NOFX has a new album

Find My Friends (povezava do programa)

  • Where’s Jure?
  • Where is my mother?
  • Is my wife at home?
  • Where are all my friends?
  • Who is here?
  • Who is near me?
  • Let me know when Petra leaves home
  • Let Katerina know when I leave work

Branje obvestil ob zaklenjenem zaslonu

  • Read my notifications
  • Do I have any new messages?

Maps (zemljevid)

  • Show me the Whistler Mountain Bike Park
  • Show me a map of 235 Regent Street London

Lokacijske storitve v bližni (ni podprto)

  • Find coffee near me
  • Where’s the nearest coffee shop?
  • Find a gas station near work


  • How do I get home?
  • Directions to my dad’s work
  • Get me directions from Rome to Sicily
  • What’s my next turn?
  • Are we there yet?
  • What’s my ETA? (ETA pomeni predviden čas prihoda)
  • Find a florist along my current route

Pošiljanje sporočil

  • Tell Miran I’ll be right there
  • Send a message to James Bond
  • Send a message to Thomas saying how about tomorrow
  • Tell Andy the food was great
  • Send a message to Chuck Norris on his mobile saying I’ll be late
  • Send a message to 040 404 040
  • Text Edit and Cristian where are you?

Branje sporočil

  • Read my new messages
  • Read it again

Odgovarjanje na sporočila

  • Reply that’s great news
  • Tell him I’ll be there in 10 minutes
  • Call her

Iskanje informacij o filmu

  • Find Disney movies
  • What comedies are playing?
  • Who starred in E.T.?
  • Who directed The God Father?
  • What is Rambo 1 rated?

Filmski spored

  • I want to see the new Pixar movie
  • What’s playing at the movies tomorrow?
  • What’s playing at Main Street Cinema

Iskanje kinematografov

  • Find some movie theaters near my office

Branje ocen filmov

  • Show me the reviews for Toy Story 3

Informacije o glavnih filmskih nagradah

  • Which movie won Best Picture in 1983?

Predvajanje glasbe

  • Play Down With The Ship by NOFX
  • Play More Late Night Transmissions shuffled
  • Play Jaya The Cat
  • Play some Reggae
  • Play my punkrock mix
  • Shuffle my chill-out playlist
  • Play
  • Pause
  • Skip

Notes (beležka)

  • Note that I spent 15 € on lunch
  • Note to self: check out that new Propagandhi album
  • Find my meeting notes
  • Show me my notes from april 29

Uporaba telefona

  • Call Peter
  • Call Katerina’s mobile
  • Call Nejc on his work phone
  • Call 01 256 13 20
  • Call home

Reminders (opomniki)

  • Add Tofu to my grocery list
  • Add mtb freeride to my sport list
  • Remind me to call mom
  • Remind me to call my mom when I get home
  • Remember to take an umbrella
  • Remind me take my medicine at 6am tomorrow
  • Remind me to pick up flowers when I leave here
  • Remind me when I leave to call Brian
  • Remind me to finish the project by 9pm
  • Biljana is my hairdresser
  • Pero is my colleague

Iskanje restavracij

  • Good vegan restaurants around here


  • Table for four in Tao tonight
  • Make a reservation at a romantic Italian restaurant tonight at 7pm

Prikaz ocen restavracij

  • Show me the reviews for Govindas in London


  • Did the Giants win?
  • How did Kansas City do?
  • What was the score the last time the Tigers played the Red Sox?
  • Show me the football scores from last night

Športni spored

  • When do the Giants play next?
  • When is the Boston Red Sox’s first game of the season?
  • Show me the schedule for baseball

Informacije o igralcih

  • Who has the highest slugging percentage?
  • Who has the most home runs on the Giants?
  • Who has the most goals in soccer?
  • Which quarterback has the most passing yards

Informacije o moštvih

  • Show me the roster for the Dodgers
  • Who is pitching for the Miami Marlins this season?
  • Is anyone on the Red Sox injured?


  • What’s Apple’s stock price?
  • What is Apple’s PE ratio?
  • What did Yahoo close at today?
  • How is the Nikkei doing?
  • How are the markets doing?
  • What is the Dow at?


  • Post to Twitter another beautiful day at the sea
  • Tweet with my location great concert
  • Tweet meeting up with Grizzly Adams for lunch today
  • Tweet the new iPhone 5 looks insanely great! hashtag Apple

Weather (vreme)

  • What’s the weather for today?
  • What’s the weather for tomorrow?
  • Will it rain in Ljubljana this week?
  • Check next week’s forecast for Wagrain
  • What’s the forecast for this evening?
  • How’s the weather in Berlin right now?
  • How hot will it be in Paris this weekend?
  • What’s the high for Amsterdam on Thursday?
  • What’s the temperature outside?
  • How windy is it out there?
  • When is sunrise in Peru?

Spletno iskanje

  • Search the web for humpty dumpty
  • Search for vegetarian pasta recipes
  • Search the web for best cable plans
  • Search Wikipedia for Jacque Fresco
  • Bing Foo Fighters

Wolfram Alpha

  • What does repartee mean?
  • How many calories in a bagel?
  • What is an 18% tip on 86.74 $ for four people?
  • Who’s buried in Grant’s tomb?
  • How long do dogs live?
  • What is the Gossamer Condor?
  • What’s the square root of 128?
  • How many dollars is 45 €?
  • How many days until Christmas?
  • How far away is the Sun?
  • When is the next solar eclipse?
  • Show me the Orion constellation
  • What’s the population of Jamaica?
  • How high is Mt. Everest?
  • How deep is the Atlantic ocean?
  • What’s the price of gasoline in Chicago?

vir: @ericasadun

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