V zadnjih desetih letih smo se veliko naučili

V zadnjih desetih letih smo se veliko naučili

David Praznik, 8. June 2011 v Novice z značkami apple, poster, obletnica.

Letošnje leto je za podjetje Apple Inc. zagotov leto največjega uspeha v zgodovini njihovega obstoja. Zato so 10. obletnico ovekovečili še z enim posebnim simbolom – plakatu, ki razkriva izkušnje pridobljene v obdobju desetih let. Zanimivi detajli, ki bi koristili tudi našim trgovinam.

Nekaj citatov

  • Our first store, in Tysons Corner, taught us our first lesson within the first 30 minutes. We had just opened the doors when we noticed the steel already needed polishing. With a special polishing solution. And a special polishing tool. That’s when we learned that blasting steel with virgin sand makes it less prone to scuff marks.
  • We even built a full-scale facade of the Regent Street store in a Cupertino parking lot to be sure the design was right. Which taught us the value of seeing things full size.
  • Speaking of T-shirts, we’ve learned more than you can imagine about our own. We’ve found that when we wear black T-shirts, we blend in. And when we wear too many colors it’s confusing. But blue shirts are just right. We’ve also learned that it takes precisely 4,253 stitches to embroider the Apple logo on those blue shirts. And we even figured out which direction the stitches should go in.

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